Tommy's First Halloween! Not a moment too soon, either. Traci's been excited about this... it's the one (and probably only) time she gets to decide what to dress him in for the holiday. Family Housing here had a Halloween mini-parade Saturday morning, and we joined the rest of the children & parents on a walk around the complex, showing off our collective cuteness.In other news, Tommy picked up the fine art of walking at an astounding pace, and has taken to it with great enthusiasm. In one week he went from walking 1-2 steps to walking across the room unaided, and given the choice of travel, he will quickly go bipedal any time he can. Just today he acquired himself a couple serious boo-boos as a result. Such a busy boy! Anyhoo, enjoy the pictures, and we'll post more later! -- Mike
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Steps...Tommy took his first steps on Wednesday, September 26th in the evening. It was perfect because I happened to be watching, and Tommy took the steps towards Mike. It has been a little over a week now, and Tommy can take about three steps at a time before he loses his balance and tumbles. Tommy is getting better and better at feeding himself, but there is still quite a mess under his high chair when he is finished. When we still had our dog, this was never a problem. We have determined that Tommy will either be a drummer or a mountain climber when he grows up because these are his two main interests. He has not found a piece of furniture too tall to climb and he enjoys banging on everything. He is so much fun, and he is keeping us very busy. I am attaching more pictures for your viewing pleasure.