Cruising right along...Tommy is growing so fast. He is now an expert at cruising and he is beginning to stand independently. We have had to invest in more playyard pieces to keep him out of trouble. Okay, well they don't keep him out of trouble, but they do keep him from getting to non-babyproofed areas of the apartment. I am attaching more pics. I hope you enjoy!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Cruising right along...Tommy is growing so fast. He is now an expert at cruising and he is beginning to stand independently. We have had to invest in more playyard pieces to keep him out of trouble. Okay, well they don't keep him out of trouble, but they do keep him from getting to non-babyproofed areas of the apartment. I am attaching more pics. I hope you enjoy!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Hello... it's Mike here! I know Traci normally updates the Blog, but I thought I'd give it a try here. Tommy is growing up fast! He's got a 3-word vocabulary... we have confirmed (and repeated) hearing him say "Mama," "Dada," and "Hi"... using them all correctly! As Tommy discovers the world, Traci & I have begun to discover the fine art of baby-proofing. We bought a 4-pack of little foam "edge-covers" for furniture & the like... I originally thought it was a little pricey at $12.99. But hell's bells, we just might to invest in an entire case before it's all over.
He's a mobile child now, more than we could have imagined. Often fussy & complaining when penned-in or being held, he'll crack a cheek-to-cheek smile if you lay him in an open room, uninhibited to explore the wide open spaces and find a computer cord or printer cable that we've yet to figure out how to conceal.
Grandma MacFerrin is in town for a couple weeks... enjoying watching him play & grow up. It's kinda nice having her around... we're still getting settled into the apartment, and as I get busy preparing for grad school (just a couple weeks now!), it's handy to have someone to "hand-off" our busy little man to while we work on other things.